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Clear lease has partnered with your employer as a preferred novated leasing provider. Find out how you can save thousands on your next new car.

Here's what it's all about

A pink arrow on a transparent background designed to catch attention and convey the benefits of novated lease.
A piggy bank sits next to a calculator and pen on a desk.

Running costs sorted

So, whether you set up your novated lease repayment weekly (52 payments/year), fortnightly (26 payments/year), or monthly (you get the idea) …the payment includes:

Car Registration
Insurance Premiums
Fuel Costs
Servicing & Maintenance
Regular Car Washing

Let’s find out how much you can save…

$263.00 Weekly Cost To You
$2,488.00 Annual Savings
$7,442.00 Savings over the life of the lease

Ready to get the ball rolling?

Speak to our team


What is the process for [post_title]

I want to purchase a New or Second hand Vehicle

The Employee will:

  • Call, as per above contact details
  • Have the following details on hand
    • Driver’s Licence
    • Most recent payslip
  • Will go through the process and your requirements in detail to ensure the best solution is determined
  • A fully maintained quotation is created and sent to you
    will contact you to discuss your budget to ensure full understanding of all the costs and answering all queries
  • Sign and return the quotation to proceed
  • Your selected car is then sourced, if required, however, you may have already placed an order with a selected dealership
  • Will contact the selected dealership for an invoice. This is required to allow contracts to be created and issued
  • Contracts are created and sent to you for signing
  • You will need to arrange to have the Novation Agreement signed by the appropriate signatory of [post_title].
  • Funds will be released to the dealer on or prior to the date you are scheduled to collect your car
  • Fuel cards are ordered and sent to you
  • Payroll deductions commence from the next available pay period based on notification provided to [post_title] payroll

After settlement/delivery has occurred, the driver will be provided with a login to access Clear Leases online reporting and management functions however your Novated Lease Consultant will be your key point of contact for all post-delivery enquiries, including:

  • Transferring of Novated Lease to new employer
  • In-life adjustments to contract terms – i.e. increase / decrease in contracted kms, increase /decrease to budgeted amounts
  • Reimbursement of claims
  • Any future finance requirements you may have.
I already have an existing novated lease

The Employee will:

Clear Lease will take on the management of any existing novated leases, where possible.

Where those leases are currently finance only, we will manage them as “fully maintained” by establishing running cost budgets to ensure that the employees are maximising the benefit of packaging the vehicle under their salary packaging arrangements.

Employee to provide the following:

  • Current financier agreement including monthly payment
  • Annual kms travel
  • Original vehicle purchase invoice (to determine FBT value)
  • Annual Gross Salary (payslip to confirm your annual gross salary)
  • Copy of registration papers and CTP
  • Copy of Insurance Policy

This information will then be used to create a novated lease quote, which will replicate your current arrangement. Clear Lease makes the payment to the financier on your behalf.

If you are unsure, or you may have initial queries, please call on his direct number, he will answer any questions you may have.

and the team at Clear Lease look forward to working together to provide you a better income, better outcome.

What our customers are saying about us


Looking for more information?

A pink arrow on a transparent background designed to catch attention and convey the benefits of novated lease.
A man and woman looking at a pink clipboard.
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